Friday, May 8, 2009

Andrew Sullivan Has A Point

In a Blog titled Karl Rove's Definition of Torture, by Andrew Sullivan he talks about how Karl Rove has been agressively defending the Bush administration and arguing that nothing they did could be labeled as torture. Things like water-boarding , long-term sleep deprivation, stress positions, hypothermia, forced nudity, hooding, dietary manipulation and sensory deprivation. Mr. Sullivan then goes to show how easily the tables can be turned when telling how Mr. McCain clearly defined an experience as a POW where he was put into a "stress position" and so badly hurt that he still can not raise his hands up all the way to this day. Similar things we have done to the prisoners is not torture, but Mr. McCains was? He has a point. Mr. Sullivan asks if's Mr. Rove believes Mr. McCain was lying. Were the men that hurt him not called war criminals? So doesn't that mean that we may be war criminals? This is the question that Mr. Sullivan would like Karl Rove to answer and frankly, now so would I.
I think that Mr. Sullivan's intent for this post is to make those who are in agreement with Rove think about it again and to fire up the other people who agree already so they will speak up louder.

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